This is what a perfect daily meal and snack plan looks like!



Frequent movement, three real meals a day and several snacks are components of a perfect day of activity and a perfect diet plan. See how they should be arranged in the best possible way!

The daily diet plan should include snacks every two to three hours to avoid overeating due to excessive hunger, to maintain the metabolic rate, as well as to avoid a sugar crash. Additionally, an ideal diet plan should include a variety of sources protein such as meat, fish, beans and nuts, as well as various sources of dietary fiber that can be found in fruits, vegetables - and you should have a combination of protein and fiber in every meal. This combination will ensure that the food is digested longer and you will be fuller for longer. To this combination, add frequent exercise, and you will have a perfect daily plan.

6:30 to 7 o'clock

Do not start the day with a cup of coffee, but with a glass of water, preferably a glass of water with lemon . The water will prepare the body for the absorption of vitamins from breakfast, and the acidity of the lemon will ensure balance in the digestive system.

7 o'clock

It's time for exercise , or any other form of cardio exercise. Go for a brisk 20-minute walk, run up and down the stairs.


After water and exercise, it's time for breakfast. Oatmeal is still the ideal choice, and if you want a protein-filled breakfast, opt for boiled eggs, a glass of fat-free milk or yogurt. Add some nuts and fruits to your breakfast. This meal should have 300 to 400 calories .

9 o'clock

Don't forget to drink water - set a reminder!

10 o'clock

Get active and walk! Although we know that you are probably at an office job, every 60 to 90 minutes try to get up, exercise a little and take a walk, at least to a colleague in the office.

10 to 10:30

Eat the first snack - it can be an apple, a handful of nuts or a few slices of cheese and yogurt. Try to get away from the screen and concentrate on chewing. A snack should take at least 10 minutes of your time, and it should have 150 to 300 calories .

11:30 to 12

It's time for a dose of multivitamins and a short walk!

1 to 1:30 p.m

Between one and half past two, take a longer lunch break. It can be a large salad that will consist of green vegetables and other more colorful vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots and peppers, and add a meat source of protein to the mix , such as tuna, grilled chicken or turkey. If you want to eat bread, it is not forbidden if you eat bread made from whole grains. This meal should have 400 to 500 calories .

14 hours

It's time again for a water reminder and a short walk!

15:30 to 16

Many have the need to snack between lunch and dinner, which can be yogurt with flakes or a banana with a spoonful of peanut spread . This meal doesn't have to be mandatory, some won't feel hungry yet because of a big lunch, and some may want to eat later, a little before exercising. This meal can have from 100 to 150 calories .

18 to 19

Exercising is the next step . Decide to go to the gym, fitness center or simply take a walk - it's important to be active in any way during that hour.


It's time for dinner . You can start with soup in order to eat less in other courses, and after soup eat fish or chicken with cooked vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli or brown rice. Stick to small portions and don't overeat, although this meal should be between 400 and 500 calories.


So far we haven't mentioned desserts, but now it's time for one. Do not immediately reach for a chocolate bar, but combine a spoonful of melted chocolate with berries.

22:30 to 23

If you want to be ready to wake up again at 6:30. now is the right time to sleep, and make sure you get seven to eight hours of sleep a day, and drink another glass of water before going to bed .

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