30 health tips for everyday life


This article will explain how you can become a different and, above all, healthier person in just 30 days! Implement one of our health tips every day. On the first day, the first tip, then the second tip on the second day, and so on. (Of course, not if you’re making purchases). After a month, your daily routine will look completely different to what it does today. And you’ll not only be healthier, but also more attractive and productive!

Print out the following list and hang it on your fridge, on your bulletin board or on your bedside table. Every day, take a new tip and put it into practice. In this way, you will devote a little more time to your health every day. Soon, the 30 tips – or at least a few of them – will become second nature to you. Have fun!

(Tips that recommend certain foods (e.g. 9. Quinoa Day) or sports do not have to be implemented every day, of course. The former perhaps every three to five days. The latter at least two, preferably four times a week.)

  1. Water day
    Replace soft drinks, juices, sweetened teas and alcoholic drinks with unsweetened herbal tea or water (carbonated or not).
  2. Raw appetizer day
    Eat a raw fruit, some raw vegetables (kohlrabi, cucumbers, etc.) or a crisp leaf salad as a starter before every meal. Chew thoroughly and slowly so that the raw vegetables are well digested and tolerated.
  3. Sports day
    Extend your daily exercise program by 5 minutes. You don’t have an exercise program? Start with 5 minutes a day! Use your exercise bike, cross trainer, treadmill, trampoline, etc. If you don’t have any equipment, use exercise instructions/sports videos on the Internet. Soon 5 minutes won’t be enough for you, just wait and see!
  4. Sun day
    Treat yourself to more sunshine! If the sun is shining, take a sunbath. Depending on the season and time of day, it should last between 10 and 30 minutes.
  5. Pilates day
    Do you know Pilates? Look around your neighborhood to see if you can take a beginner’s course there. It is probably the best exercise system for more flexibility, perfect posture, a healthy back and more muscle strength.
  6. Smoothie day
    Drink one green smoothie a day.
  7. Houseplant day
    Buy more houseplants: They clean the air in your home. But make sure you buy plants that also suit your home. Put succulents like aloe vera in the south-facing window and get shade plants if your home is rather dark.
  8. Vitamin D day
    Since you have been getting regular sun since day 4, your vitamin D level has probably already increased because the body can produce vitamin D independently when exposed to sunlight. If you cannot go out into the sun regularly or the sun is not currently shining, you should – at least in winter – take vitamin D as a dietary supplement, ideally combined with vitamin K2 and magnesium.

Vitamin D facilitates the absorption of calcium from the intestines and vitamin K2 ensures that the calcium is incorporated into the bones and not into the blood vessel walls. Magnesium ensures that vitamin D is activated in the first place. Vitamin D also strengthens the immune system, has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the risk of all kinds of chronic diseases – of course only if you have previously had a deficiency. Therefore, have your vitamin D levels checked before taking it. You can read all the important information in the link above.

  1. Quinoa day
    Eat more quinoa. Quinoa is a so-called pseudo-cereal. It provides extremely high-quality protein and also contains a lot of iron, magnesium and calcium. Quinoa can be a wonderful substitute for pasta or rice.
  2. Fat day
    Inspect your fat reserves today and switch to healthy fats. Always replace frying fats with high-quality organic coconut oil or organic frying oil. Replace cheap salad oils with virgin olive oil and treat yourself to something special every now and then, such as high-quality organic linseed oil or hemp oil, which you can use small amounts of every day for your salad dressings or drizzle over boiled potatoes.
  3. Antioxidant Day
    Antioxidants are extremely important for our health! Antioxidants prevent cell, tissue and organ damage caused by free radicals. Antioxidants can be found in fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes and whole grain products. They are contained in higher doses in certain food supplements, e.g. in astaxanthin. OPC from grape seeds, curcumin from turmeric, sulforaphane from broccoli, quercetin, resveratrol or aronia berries also provide you with extremely rich and effective antioxidants.

Choose two of them and take them as a course of treatment (until the packs are used up). Then try two others and keep alternating in this way. The antioxidant substances mentioned above not only have an antioxidant effect, but also have many other good properties for health. Since each substance has different properties, you can benefit from all of them if you alternate regularly.