Lose weight fast: 10 top tips for losing fat!

Whether for an upcoming wedding or on vacation on the Thai dream beach: You want to present yourself in shape soon? A solution is needed to lose weight quickly in a week? Check here how you can lose weight quickly, easily and healthily without starving!

Lose weight quickly & effectively with a crash diet?

Are you impatient and want to lose weight as quickly as possible? Caution: Eating little or little from one day to the next is not recommended.

Even if the pointer on the scales goes down briefly during a diet: Just as quickly you gain the lost kilos (calorie deficit) again and the so-called yo-yo effect occurs.

Why? Your metabolism slows down and your basal metabolic rate drops. This means that you automatically consume fewer calories. There are also other reasons against crash diets:

  • Your body loses most of its water at first.
  • He then breaks down valuable muscle mass.
  • There is a risk of a nutrient deficiency.
  • Your hormonal balance can get messed up.

To really lose weight sustainably, it’s better to stay away from diets. It is more effective if you fundamentally change your own diet. By the way, your free weight loss guide will help you get started!

Your nutrition experts and (personal) coaches from Fitness First will be happy to help you get rid of excess kilos quickly but effectively. It’s best to find out more at a club near you!