How healthy organic food really is

How does organic produce differ from conventionally produced food? What guidelines must be followed during cultivation? And is organic really healthier? You can find out everything you need to know about organic food and organic seals here.

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What does organic mean?

More species-appropriate animal husbandry, regionality , low levels of pollution and as few additives as possible: these are the factors that make up organic food. The contribution to environmental protection is also an important feature.

The terms “organic” and “eco” are legally protected terms. Foods that are labelled as “organic” or “eco” have been produced and processed in accordance with the guidelines of organic farming. These other terms may only be used for organic products:

Terms such as “integrated farming”, “natural” or “controlled” do not refer to organic products. But what exactly is meant by ecological or organic farming?

In organic farming, a farm is a holistic system . Those who produce organic food introduce as few external nutrients and aids as possible into the system. The aim is to create a largely closed cycle so that the soil retains its fertility. This means fertilizing with compost, liquid manure and dung, growing plants that enrich the soil with nitrogen (such as pulses ) and a harmonious interplay of robust plants and beneficial organisms that naturally keep weeds at bay. However, consumers who value this concept often ask themselves the question: which seal can I use to tell whether the food is really “organic”?

How do I recognize organic products?

Food producers and retailers are only allowed to label food as organic or ecological if it has been produced according to certain rules. These rules are laid down in the so-called EC Organic Regulation . Anyone who wants to sell organic food must have their farm certified. After receiving organic certification, independent auditors examine annually whether the farm actually produces the food in accordance with the required conditions. If this is the case, the organic certificate is extended.

Since summer 2010, all packaged organic foods produced in the European Union have been required to display the so-called EU organic logo : a stylized leaf made of white stars on a green background. The EU organic logo guarantees consumers that the provisions of the European organic regulation were complied with during the production of the food. These include:

  • The ingredients for the food are 95 percent from organic farming .
  • The products are free from genetic engineering .
  • The animals are kept in a species-appropriate manner and fed with organic food .
  • Adult animals must be fed 100 percent organic feed .
  • The farmers do not use organic-synthetic plant protection products or chemical-synthetic fertilizers .
  • For processed foods, the origin of all ingredients must be indicated.
  • Farmers rely on alternating crops that complement each other. This improves soil fertility and makes it harder for diseases and pests to spread.

Every food product with the EU organic logo must also clearly indicate the responsible organic inspection body in the form of a code number. Organic products that are inspected in Germany can be identified by this code: DE-Öko-0XX. The “X” stands for a number. The list of inspection bodies approved in Germany can be found at the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food .

To which products do the EU organic regulations not apply?

If the production process of a product cannot be fully controlled, a company may not use the EU organic logo. This may be the case for food or products from wild animals such as fish. The ban also applies to cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. The EU organic logo may not be printed on products from companies that have only recently switched to organic production.

What different organic labels are there?

The EU organic logo must be printed on the packaging of all organic foods. There is also the German hexagonal organic seal. The criteria for this logo do not differ from the EU organic logo. Labeling foods with this seal is voluntary. However, production companies may only use it if the requirements for organic farming have been met and controls are carried out.

In addition to the mandatory EU organic logo and the voluntary labeling with the German organic seal, there are logos from various organic farming associations. This additional labeling may seem confusing to consumers. But a second look shows that those who label their organic food with one or more logos in addition to the mandatory EU logo are usually complying with stricter standards than the EU organic logo or the German organic seal.

Are organic foods healthier?

Organic foods sometimes have a higher nutrient density than conventionally produced products . When produced according to organic standards, organic foods such as apples or potatoes contain less water and therefore proportionately more nutrients. They also contain more vitamins such as vitamin C and are richer in so-called secondary plant substances , which neutralize aggressive substances in the body and can thus help protect against cardiovascular diseases or cancer. A look at organic meat also shows that if the animals are allowed more space to roam and are fed fresh grass and herbs fresh from the pasture, the fatty acids contained in their meat have a healthier composition.

Since little or no pesticides are used in organic farming, organic foods contain virtually no residues. They also contain fewer pesticides. Organic grain also tends to contain fewer mold fungi than grain from conventional farming. Organic vegetables, in turn, usually contain fewer harmful nitrates.How sustainable are organic foods really?

Conventionally produced foods are not subject to the same strict regulations as organic foods. They harm the environment through high nitrate levels, residues of chemical-synthetic pesticides and antibiotic resistance in animals and humans.

The production of organic food places far less strain on nature :

Ecologically managed natural areas are richer in species because animals and plants find optimal conditions in their natural habitats.

By avoiding the use of artificial fertilizers, the climate and groundwater are less stressed than in conventional agriculture.

Greenhouse gases are saved.

Energy consumption is up to 40 percent lower .

Meat from organically raised animals requires less imported feed . This protects the rainforest, which is cut down for soy feed production.

Organically managed soils can store more water , contain more humus and are healthier.