Lose weight successfully – this is how it works

A healthy lifestyle has many benefits. It not only prevents obesity, but also increases general well-being. The following seven tips will help you lose weight:

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Plan exercise: Support your diet with regular exercise or long walks.In order to lose weight and stay slim in the long term, you should change your eating habits permanently. Here’s how to reach your ideal weight – and maintain it.

A balanced diet: Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, potatoes, rice, and low-fat milk and dairy products daily. Consume fats only in moderation and prefer vegetable fats. Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks that contain a lot of empty calories.

Drink water: Drink plenty of fluids – preferably water and unsweetened teas. Fruit juices contain a lot of energy. Of course, adequate hydration is not a miracle cure for higher calorie consumption, but it can reduce cravings.

Avoid alcohol: Alcoholic beverages not only have a lot of calories, but also have a negative effect on the metabolism.

Set realistic goals: Aim for slow weight loss. 0.5 to 1 kilogram per week is optimal. It is better to set a weight range as a goal.

No crash diets: Consume no less than 1200 kilocalories per day.

It’s easier together: Find a group of like-minded people. Losing weight together has a motivating effect.

Indispensable: plenty of exercise

If you want to lose weight permanently, you not only have to change your diet sensibly. Sporting activities are also necessary to get rid of the extra pounds. The good news: If you exercise, you not only consume more calories. Even after that, exercise helps you lose weight.

Regular exercise has three effects on weight loss:

  1. The energy metabolism increases and additional calories are consumed.
  2. Physical activity affects the entire energy metabolism. This is partly due to the fact that muscle cells are more metabolically active than fat cells. As a result, the basal metabolic rate is increased over a longer period of time after physical activity. This increases calorie consumption at rest.
  3. Exercise facilitates fat breakdown and makes it more difficult to re-store fat by influencing the corresponding enzymes. Endurance sports such as swimming, walking, cycling, jogging, cross-country skiing and inline skating are particularly suitable. Ideally, train for 30 to 60 minutes three times a week.

What is the yo-yo effect?

It has been scientifically proven: Permanent diets make you fat. The more sparse and one-sided they are, the greater the likelihood of weighing more after the diet than before. According to the German Nutrition Society (DGE), strict resolutions or rigid dietary regulations do not bring lasting success.

If you forbid yourself everything sweet and only want to eat healthy food, you will fail in everyday life in the long run. It can even lead to severe eating disorders if the dieter believes that he has failed at the slightest deviation from the strict rules.

Then there is a risk that he will break off the diet or console himself with downright binge eating. Pills, teas, powders and other miracle cures do the rest. The reason: In the “lean times”, the body learns to get by with as little food as possible. The more often these times are repeated, the more consistently the body reduces its energy consumption and switches to an emergency program.

Once the diet is over, the body stores the superfluous extras that are now supplied to it in the form of fat deposits as a reserve for the next deficiencies. The undesirable consequence: You gain weight even faster than before – the so-called yo-yo effect occurs.